
Online Doctor Visits for Kids

Every parent has been there:
it’s 2 a.m., your child has a cold, and they’re crying that their ear hurts. You don’t want to jump in your car and head to the emergency room, but you need to make sure that your child will be all right. With a membership to, you have access to a pediatrician 24/7 from the comfort of your own home. Instead of bundling up your sick child and taking them to the crowded, germ-filled emergency room, you can connect with a pediatrician from ...

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Telemedicine for Primary Care

What is Telemedicine?

Telemedicine connects patients to their healthcare providers remotely via video chat, messaging, and email. Although telemedicine was originally intended to allow physicians to connect with patients located in remote areas that are significant distances from medical facilities, the developments in communication technology in the past two decades have made telemedicine affordable and practical, even for urban populations.

How Does Telemedicine for Primary Care Work?


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What is Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)?

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is a term used to describe the various digital technologies used to collect real-time data from patients. This data is securely transmitted to healthcare providers, who assess the data and make recommendations accordingly.

While the image generally associated with remote patient monitoring is a person covered in electrodes and wires, due to the technological advancements in the last 20 years, patients are now able to use devices that more closely resemble s...

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How Telehealth Is Changing Healthcare

The landscape of healthcare in the United States has been bumpy for a long time. Too many Americans are still without access to proper medical treatment and insurance. This leads to emergency room or urgent care visits for non-emergent ailments, which in turn backs up the patient load of those facilities.

Doctors and other medical professionals who see and treat patients are simply overloaded in this country. Although appointments are made, physicians and their counterparts (physicians assistants, nurse practitioners) are rarely held to the appointment times due to the fact that they simply have too many people on the docket each day.

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Reasons for Telemedicine

Pediatric TelemedicineThere are so many reasons to choose telemedicine when you need treatment for a non-emergent condition. Modern life has Americans juggling hectic work schedules coupled with caring for a home, family members and more. Luckily, the modern era we live in has also brought advanced technologies that can make our day-to-day lives easier.

Just as it has made it more convenient to stay in touch with friends and family who live far away, video conferencing is now making its way into mainstream healthcare. With a very simple sign up procedure and a fee that is less than many insurance co-pays, you can now video chat with a doctor instead of trekking through traffic to get to a medical facility.

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